Why Vision Boards Don't Work


Why Vision Boards Don't Work

Dec 10, 2017/Linda Enoh

I'm about to share with you one of my previous vision boards and it's both embarrassing and empowering because I want you to know how NOT to make a vision board.

So here it is:

Linda Enoh Vision Board

I'm all for vision boards. I make one every year.

But I’ve learned to be more about the VISION part than the BOARD part.

Yours isn't working because you got caught up in the glue, the scissors and the magazines instead of the MEANING you attach to images you cut off.


Putting together a vision board is NECESSARY but only if done the RIGHT way:

Don't fill your mind with wishful thinking and "what if" fairy tales.

Instead, see yourself in that position already.

Look at my vision board: it was only 4 pictures that reflected things I thought would be cool to have or do. It was purely wishful thinking...


Don't treat the session like a basic arts and craft class.

Instead, be intentional in the pictures and words that you select for your board.

I spent way too much time on google looking for the perfect pic of a black surfer (not an easy find btw)


Don't treat it as a 'fun thing to do' just because Oprah does it and it works for her.

Instead, be emotionally involved during the creation and treasure your board throughout the year as you hit one goal after another.

The pictures were too vague without words and numbers. I did it just to do it because heck, who doesn’t want to be as good as Tony Robbins, write the next Harry Potter, host a travel show and learn how to surf?


Do you plan to create a vision board for 2018? I’d love to know!

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